Good News Notts (GNN) is our NSTV news flagship show founded by Darcy Shonn and Finn McKenzie. GNN was created to help promote good news on campus. We cover all news in and around the city of Nottingham and topics relating to students and our univeristy.

GNN, where not all news is bad. 

Blended Learning

This episode tackles the subject of blended learning at the University of Nottingham. With interviews from students on campus.

Free School Meals

This episode showcases the University of Nottingham Men’s Football Club handing out free school meals during the October Half Term.

Halloween Special

In this Special Halloween Edition of GNN hosted by Ben Preston, we present the Bad News! The mystery of the campus squirrels.  

Demilitarise UoN Protests

Joined by URN we went to the career’s fairto see the protests live in action. We spoke to the protesters and the SU Education Officer about the arms manufacturers on campus.